The Power of a Story: How, When, and Where to Share Them

There are a lot of people out there who are willing to give to those in need, but many of them don’t. Why? Because they don’t know where or how to donate their time and money. So with this in mind, there are three questions we should try to answer. First, how do we make the people who are willing to give aware of our cause? Second, where are the best places to reach these people? Third, who are the people that will be most impacted by the stories made possible by your organization’s work? I think the answers to these questions start with sharing stories.

Real stories connect people to one another. Sharing stories of the people you support will help potential donors see the good your organization ultimately does. If your organization helps pay for treatment options for women with breast cancer, share a story of a recipient whose cancer has gone into remission. If you have a nonprofit that helps raise scholarship money for students trying to go to college, share the story of a graduate who couldn’t have made it there without that scholarship. Personal accounts from people you’ve helped can make potential donors sympathize or maybe even empathize with your cause.

Of course, many organizations already do this. Sharing stories isn’t a new concept for encouraging people to donate. That being said, the question of where you share those stories is almost as important as the stories themselves. Where are your potential donors spending their time? What social media platforms do they use most often? If you can find that out, use those sites to share your heartfelt stories.

For some of you, though, maybe your goal isn’t just spreading a greater, general awareness of your brand. Maybe you’re trying to reach out to a specific group and be strategic about the growth of your donor base. If that’s the case, your first step might be finding out who exactly your potential donors are, what they do, and where they live, etc.

These are important questions to ask, and I know many organizations are already asking them. But what you should know is that we at Baker Auction Co. can personally attest to the power of an incredible story. We have a knack for sharing stories that show the positive things you accomplish, and it’s a big part of what we do when we get on stage. We have the privilege of conveying the important work that your organization performs with your regular donors and with those who may soon become regular donors, getting them invested. Through all the laughter, cheering, and crying of audience members at one of our auctions, I can tell you honestly that sharing those stories can get your organization money to make similar success stories happen again for others.

Loyalty or Fear of Change? How Loyalty Can Be Your Achilles’ Heel

I think most people can agree that loyalty is a good thing. When it comes to doing what’s best for your charity or nonprofit, loyalty can become your Achilles’ heel. I know that sounds counterintuitive, so let me explain.

Say you’ve been using the same auctioneer at your annual benefit event every year for the past 10, 15, or even 20 years. You know them well, and they might even do a pretty good job at hosting your event. But what if your benefit auctions could bring in so much more? What if you could get more donors through the door and raise more money for your cause? What if your favorite auctioneer is holding you back?

We’ve seen it time and time again with so many of the organizations we’ve met and worked with. They want to go bigger and better with their auctions. They want to bring in those funds that can help the families and individuals who really need it. They just can’t seem to square with the idea of giving up the auctioneer they know will at least get the job done. They don’t want to seem disloyal to someone they’ve worked with for years.

I understand that line of thought. Here, at Baker Auction Co., we’re all about getting as much support for your organization or your cause as humanly possible by adding extra value to every event we host. We may not be your regular, dependable auctioneer, but our team will knock your benefit event right out of the park.

With that in mind, ask yourself these questions: Do I think my charity auction can be better? Is the loyalty I feel for my current auctioneer really just a fear of change? We encourage you to visit our Facebook page to review some testimonials of previous clients, and then give us a call to schedule an event analysis and consultation.

Your Donors Won’t Bid If They Can’t See or Hear What’s Happening

At Baker Auction Co., a large part of our success is due to the energy we’re able to generate in a crowd. That said, a small but crucial piece of engaging an audience is something few of our clients consider: audiovisual enhancements.

At the end of the day, if your donors can’t hear or see what’s going on, they’re not going to give to your cause. That’s why a good sound system and clear visual aids are key parts of any successful auction. I’ve worked with a lot of clients who will show us this big, beautiful venue and then do a soundcheck while it’s completely empty. The only problem is that when the venue is full of people, the sound is going to work a lot differently.

Just recently, we did an event for an organization out of town. As we were on our way to check out the venue, I called and asked them to spring for extra sound. They said they would work on it, but can you guess what they didn’t do? Now, I’m pretty loud, but without proper sound equipment, thatonly gets me so far. The audience could barely hear me over their drinking and socializing, let alone over any laughing and cheering that happened.

If you want to host an incredible auction, always budget for enhanced sound. And if your donors still can’t hear you, that’s where the visual aids come in handy. A PowerPoint presentation should be a part of every event — period. That way, if the audience can’t hear what’s happening, they can at least look up front to see which items are for sale or who’s talking. In addition to the sound and visuals, you should also always have physical programs for audience members to hold with them throughout the auction.

What it comes down to is this: We want to make sure all of your audience members can be a part of the excitement, whether they follow along best through audio, visual, or tactile cues — we want you to help us create an environment where that excitement can happen. If you’re ready to host the best auction you’ve ever had, call (208)739-8750 today!

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